Seven Incredible Ways to Organize Your Life as an INTP

8 min readJan 18, 2022

Why INTPs are lazy? No. We are not. We’ve multiple dreams but we just feel overwhelmed.

Acquiring plans was supposed to help me get done with my dreams. Still, in my case, I got overwhelmed. I could plan a lot but I had trouble executing them, as they were in disorganized form. I jumped from idea A to idea B in a flash. There was a time when I allowed I felt lost. After all, I had no idea what I wanted because I had so multiple interests! Someone told me to concentrate on just one thing and be good at it. But, I wanted all of them. Taylor Swift said in the lyrics, “A friend to all is a friend to none”. So, I couldn’t finish anything because I was trying to chase everything on one time. That kind of struggle was passing to me until I applied some ways in my life. It helped me a lot to organize my plans and perhaps do everything I want to do.


I’ve three scrapbooks with me. One for appreciation and manifesting, one for journaling, and one for planning. I’m a daydreamer so that’s why I come up with a lot of idea. So, what would I do is to write all those ideas down in my planning album just to declutter my mind. I ’ve had plant out that the reason why I couldn’t concentrate or occasionally forget some ideas the coming day was because my brain was always running and chasing this new idea while abandoning the old bones. Like multiple usual INTPs, I live utmost of the time inside my head and more constantly than not, I get lost until the day pass that I haven’t done anything productive. This is why INTPs are called lazy but in reality, we’re just overwhelmed and lost in our imagination. Still, taking notes was life changing for me. I still forget some effects as usual but I’ve a tablet that serves as a memorial. I write everything down indeed if it’s just a small plan comparable to buying a new dress or watching a specific YouTube tape recording.


After writing everything down, I simply ask myself this question; “Do I need all of them or am I just feeling infatuated with these ideas or effects?” Having multiple effects can make us feel overwhelmed until we reach the point that we can’t choose anything. There are multiple factors why we want all multiple effects at the same time. Perhaps we saw it on the internet and we feel inspired by it now but hereafter there’s a change of heart. Sounds familiar? The key then’s to ask yourself this question “Out of all of the effects that you want, which one makes you feel agitated the most?” When you have your answer, that will be your core foundation. For illustration, in your closet. Which dress do you wear more frequently and which one don’t? Presumably, you won’t declutter the dress that you don’t wear too important because you’re in love with it and you feel a bit novelettish. It’s so hard to let it go. Well, you don’t need to. Still, coming time, when you buy a new dress or anything, ask yourself this question “How numerous times will I conceivably wear this?” Another thing that can we look at is the price. Let’s say that the cost of a dress is $500 and you suppose you’ll just wear it 4 times a time because you’ll buy another one again eventually. So that will be $125 per wear. Is the $125 per wear will satisfy you?


It’s apprehensible if you can’t niche down. You love multiple belongings at the same time and you can’t let go because perhaps you formerly have an attachment to the idea of those things. However, try to combine it all, If you can’t choose. For instance, I’m interested in psychology, divination, necromancy, jotting, as well as business, and digital marketing. They come from different areas of life. At first, I was floundering to figure out what I should pick because I can’t just let go of either of those until I watched a YouTube videotape that inspired me. I love and want them all so why would I choose? This is what I did. First I write down every interest I’ve on a piece of paper and after that, I brainstormed about it. Psychology, Necromancy, and Divination are all part of the spiritual area. I would love to have a fashion and a food business too. I’m asking to be an author too. Now, my final plan is to have an eatery with a library and a fashion exchange that’s a spiritual platoon. I can promote my business via digital marketing. I can write a book about my content of interest or indeed a new one and place it in my eatery. It’s all in one and I didn’t remove anything.


Utmost of the INTPs love planning but have a hard time executing it. Well, I’m shamefaced occasionally. The reason why we have got a hard time taking our plan to the coming step is that we plan everything and just store them inside our heads and it’s disorganized. Procrastination is the villain too. Occasionally, we programmed ourselves that there’s nothing to do now because we formerly captured the result in our smarts. That’s the reason why we procrastinate, not just because we feel unmotivated or lazy. Still, as much as we detest small details, that’s necessary too. For illustration, if you want to make an auto, drawing an auto can give alleviation and you can fantasize about your dream auto by it. Still, listing down the step by step on how to make an auto can help you push yourself more and be more realistic that your thing takes a process that you need to work on right now. You don’t want just a picture of an auto when in reality, you want a factual auto. When you have a physical diary or a journal, you can track every step that you’ll take. So, you can see what’s working and what’s needs to be ameliorated.


Take everything sluggishly. We don’t need to rush effects. Rushing effects will only give us results that will make us feel unsatisfied. When you have so numerous effects on your plate, your thing is to finish them by the deadline or by a specific time. To give an illustration, let’s say you have 7 tasks this day and you only have 12 hours to do all of them. Still, each task is different and some of them bear further time and focus than others. However, well, congratulations! Still, If you aim to finish them all day and if you have done it before. However, as much as possible, we can concentrate more on it and deliver excellent results, If we take only one thing or task per day. Plus, we won’t be too exhausted by the end of the day which can help us to prepare ourselves for the coming day and task.


There’s no similar thing as one size fits each. Indeed the dress in the shop that has a marker of “ one size fits for all” doesn’t mean it would fit you well. However, what makes you suppose that system B will work for you? Still, there’s no detriment in trying what will work for you and what’s not, If you have a plan A. This is the good thing about being an INTP. We’ve multiple backups that are ready for our coming plan. Test them all until you get the perfect bone you’re comfortable with. What’s the point of having a good plan if you’re just stressing out yourself with the system that doesn’t work at all? Another reason why INTP is labeled as lazy is that when we see that effects aren’t working at each other, we give up and we move on so snappily to the coming until we don’t finish anything. The key then’s to give every system a chance for you to work on it, else, you might end up being frustrated and tell yourself that the plan of yours is useless. It’s not your plan that you suppose is the problem. It’s your style, how do you do it, and your tolerance about it.


At the end of the day, always remember that you did your stylish. I suggest getting a separate tablet and writing all the achievements and the struggles you’ve encountered so you can track what you need to ameliorate. It also serves as a memorial of what have you done so far and it can make you avoid the feeling of despondency. We occasionally give up when there’s just a minor conflict and forget the successful effects that we’ve done. When you have a journal, you can readdress it from time to time and remind yourself that this thing works. It’s normal to feel discouraged when effects feel don’t go on your way but that doesn’t mean you should give up, most likely if it’s what energies you. INTPs are passionate and dreamers in head but it’s more fulfilling if we execute those plans successfully. Still, just because system A didn’t work for you, doesn’t mean that styles B, C, D won’t work too.

Being an INTP isn’t easy at all but it’s pleasurable. Our life is in no way boring. We’ve lots of interest which can make us occasionally feel overwhelmed but that’s forfeiture as long as we follow the way over




I'm an INTP with a deep appreciation for spirituality. As an INTP, I thrive on exploring the realms of knowledge and diving into the mysteries of existence.